Regular relaxation practice can have a profound, positive effect on our mental and physical health, and on our general sense of well-being….try this 15-minute passive muscle relaxation to start your practice.
Contentment is based on an inner spirit of satisfaction. It is a belief in one’s fundamental worth, or in the value of a moment, apart from what is to come next.
And while (the idealized holiday vision) may be true for a fortunate some, most people actually struggle during the holidays – in varying degrees… and for different reasons.
- Miryam Yusufov, PhD
In this month’s post, we share some ideas to help you ground in the new season and find some of the joy and peace that belong uniquely to the fall.
When we make space for it, we form an opportunity to reconnect with, or cultivate, our creative energy. Here are some ideas to help inspire your own creative energy,