The placebo effect -getting better from an illness when taking an inactive, or “sugar,” pill or treatment that a person thinks is medicine — has been found to hover around 30% in some large-scale studies. In medicine, that’s a major effect, and any drug that could pull those numbers in clinical trials would be celebrated
Mindfulness Meditation and Anxiety Management Skills Groups for Fall
Discovering Ourselves: Reflections from a Bungalow
“I’d love to get away from it all….”
Have you ever imagined just taking off, maybe to a beach or mountain retreat, to be free of the business of daily life? Recently I had the opportunity to do just that. I spent time in a quiet beachside bungalow near the Equator, where I had time alone every day. No television or radio, very limited phone and internet, and only a few, simple chores to do. Time to relax, read, rest….just be, with no one looking for me. Total relaxation. Only, it was often quite stressful….
Mindfulness for Parents
I’m excited to share the launch of our VitalMind Parenting project together with my friend and colleague Dr. Matt Hersh. We had the pleasure of speaking recently at Harvard’s Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy, where we enjoyed sharing simple yet powerful strategies for parenting mindfully with fellow parents and colleagues…