Loving Kindness: A meditation for self and others

The practice of loving kindness has its roots in ancient Buddhist meditation, though it can be used by people from any spiritual tradition.  It is a wonderful way to foster a sense of well-being and connectedness to others.  It also serves as a good counter to negative or critical thoughts and feelings that affect our sense of self-worth or the quality of our relationships. There is a growing body of research that shows how attitudes of loving kindness promote more positive emotion over time and may serve to increase empathy and a sense of social connection, while also reducing depressive feelings.  

The practice is done lightly, with ease.  It involves sending a series of wishes or intentions to others, and to oneself.  You can choose any intentions that feel genuine and meaningful to you.  I’ll guide you through an example here, which you can feel free to modify.

Sit in a comfortable position, letting go of tensions or “busy” thoughts as you take a few cleansing breaths and allow yourself to settle in.  

Begin by calling to mind a person who has been kind to you, about whom you have positive feelings.

As you hold the image of that person in mind, repeat a few intentions of loving kindness as you wish them well…..”may they be safe, may they be well, may they be happy and at ease.”

Next, call to mind someone about whom you have neutral feelings.

As you hold the image of that person in mind, repeat the same intentions of loving kindness a few times…..”may they be safe, may they be well, may they be happy and at ease.”

Now call to mind someone about whom you have some complicated or difficult feelings (only choose someone you genuinely want to send loving regard to, or whose desire to be happy and well you can support).

As you hold the image of that person in mind, repeat the same intentions of loving kindness…..”may they be safe, may they be well, may they be happy and at ease.”

Finally, consider yourself and all beings everywhere, both known and unknown by you.

For yourself and all beings everywhere,, repeat the same intentions of loving kindness…..”may they be safe, may they be well, may they be happy and at ease.”

With repeated practice, you will likely begin to notice the effects of these intentions in your daily experience.