How Can YOU Benefit from Coaching with a Health Psychologist?

Dr. Renae McNair spoke with me to answer some common questions about how coaching with a Health Psychologist works, and the circumstances in which a person might seek a Health Psychologist’s support. Excerpts from our conversation are written below.

Q (LF): I believe it’s important for our clients to understand what our credentials mean. You have the distinction of being both a Health Psychologist and also a Certified Health Coach.  Will you clarify the difference between a Health Psychologist and a Health Coach?

A (RM). Sure.  Health Psychologists have earned a Doctoral degree in Psychology and/or health promotion, with years of coursework and research dedicated to understanding how health and well-being and behavior change can work well or go off-course for people from all walks of life.  Health coaches are licensed to provide care to individuals and groups.  They can have a variety of backgrounds, but all have studied for certification to help others in the process of change and achieving health goals.  in my case, I am both a Health Psychologist and a licensed coach.  I’ll talk about coaching in our conversation to keep it simple.

Q: Can a Health Psychologist help people who have received a chronic illness diagnosis or had a lifestyle-changing health event?

A. Yes. Health Psychologists facilitate understanding and offer strategies to assist clients who are faced with the lifestyle changes that accompany a chronic illness diagnosis, a heart attack, or another health event that necessitates a change in one’s daily routine.  We have years of training and experience specifically designed to help improve the lifestyle health and wellness goals of our clients. 

Q: How do you go about helping people achieve their health and wellness goals? What does the process look like?

A. I help my clients achieve their goals by exploring their personal health aspirations and facilitating discussions and goal-setting activities. Through a series of guided conversations, we create a collaborative plan that suits the personal goals my clients bring to coaching, bearing in mind their everyday needs. A good plan will include a manageable and practical timeline, weekly planning, long-range planning, feedback, and support. 

Q: Would you share a few common questions you hear from new clients or people who are curious about your work, and how you answer them?

A. Sure, I’ll name a few of the most common or core questions I get asked about coaching, and how I answer them:

Common questions

Q: How can a Health Coach help me?  I have tried so many times to make health changes and end up repeating old patterns! 

A. Your health coach understands that people desire to make health- related changes, but often end up circling back to unhealthy habits when facing stress or changes in life. We spend years in education and training to equip us with specific proficiencies in the area of health change. We understand the process and how to set our clients up for success.  Your coach also has their own health journey, and personally understands the challenges associated with health behavior changes. Our goal is to see you healthy and well, for the long term.  

Q: I know that I don’t feel great, and I need to make changes, but I am not even sure where to start or what changes to make.

A. During your first few meetings, we will help you identify various areas in your life in need of transformation.  A series of questions and discussions will help your coach understand your lifestyle choices and identify areas that can be improved.  Your health psychologist will then coach you through systematic, small weekly changes that lead to long-term transformation. Whether it is smoking cessation, changing eating habits, or physical fitness, your health coach will help you succeed.  

Everyone deserves to live their best life and a health psychologist will help you make choices that make you feel better, from the inside out. 

Q: Do Health Coaches share quick and easy ways to get in shape and lose weight?

A: The simple answer is no. Lifestyle changes that bring lasting results and improve wellness take time to integrate into one’s life in a lasting way.  We use the adage, “slow and steady wins the race.” 

Health Coaches guide their clients with sensible information based on reliable approaches to improved health outcomes. Health coaches do not rely on the latest diets or weight loss methods.  Rather, the information and techniques are grounded in sound, well-researched methodologies. 

Q: How often will I meet with my health coach?

A. Your health coach is there to support you in your health goals, not only in offering strategies for health behavior change, but also in providing social support and accountability, two things you will need for long-term success. The duration of your treatment will depend on your health goals, the number of changes you need to make, and the current state of your health. This is not a one- size- fits- all process; it is dependent upon your individual needs and your commitment level. Healthy long-term transformation takes time.  A typical plan might include seeing your health psychologist weekly or bi-weekly for an hour in the first few months.   Then you may taper off to once a month for maintenance after you have achieved all of your goals.

Q: Why do I need to see a health coach, isn’t going to the gym and eating a healthy diet enough?

A. Yes, and no. If it was that simple, everyone would be healthy and live life in a state of well-being. As humans, we know what to do, but doing those things takes a different skill set. A health coach will dig deeper, to understand your multilayered human experience and help you discover why you are making unhealthy choices or why your choices are inconsistent. 

Q: How can health coaching help me with my chronic illness?

A. It is common to struggle in making lifestyle changes after a chronic illness diagnosis. As a health psychologist, I want to know what stressors in life you are facing and the emotional toll those life experiences are having on your health and well-being. I want to know how you are responding to a sudden health diagnosis that necessitates immediate lifestyle changes and choices, and how that impacts your emotional well-being. We will work together to help you navigate that experience so that you have the best possible outcome, despite your diagnosis.  

Everyone deserves to live their best life and a health psychologist will help you make choices that make you feel better, from the inside out.