Our summer workshop series, led by Dr. Rivian Lewin, offered a wealth of information and useful strategies for improving our relationship with ourselves. Over the course of the coming weeks, Rivian will share the highlights of those talks, beginning with a focus on self-awareness. Enjoy!
Rivian Lewin, phd
Sometimes, life can feel so busy that our days turn into a series of boxes to check. We can get lost in the tasks of the moment, which feels like “running through the motions.”
When we move through our lives like this, we often only become aware of our emotions and thoughts when they are begging for our attention or when they grow in intensity (e.g., overwhelm, dread). Instead, we can practice self-awareness, or intentional and nonjudgmental acknowledgment of thoughts and feelings as they arise. One simple way to engage in self-awareness is by using the ACE Exercise, which involves three simple steps:
A-acknowledge the thought or emotion
“this is pain,” “I notice anxiety in my chest,” “Hello, sadness. You’re back again”C-come back to the body
Observe sensations in the body, such as your feet against the floor, back against the chair, temperature of your breath as it comes in and out of your nose and mouth, etc.E-engage in the world
Observe and connect with your environment by noticing characteristics of the space you’re in, connecting with another person, etc.
Try practicing self-awareness over the course of the coming days, to learn more about your own internal experience. If you find this helpful, tune in to our next post on self-validation to further your practice.