About us


At first, there was one, Laura Ferrer, working in solo practice. Upon reaching a point that she couldn’t take more referrals in her schedule, Laura’s desire to place clients in great care merged with her love of mentoring and supervising colleagues. Our small, close-knit team began to grow as Laura invited colleagues she’d worked closely with at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School to join her in practice. Our team members created a rich blend of experience, with some working as academic or medical researchers and others as professors, in addition to their small, personalized therapy practices. We are united in our value for quality care based in scientific evidence, balanced with the art of intuition and good relationship.


Choosing inspiration over competition for a stronger community and a healthier way to do business.

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Unified by a love for the Earth and the people who live in it.

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Connecting through cohabitation and shared experience.

Eu alia civibus imperdiet eos. Id eos blandit apeirian interpretaris. Quas consulatu pri ex. Iudico prompta ne vix, usu ne vero persius quaerendum, et ius autem sanctus. Ius no libris constituto, soleat praesent nec ex. Movet alterum ullamcorper sit ei, ne sit appetere forensibus, eam at facilisi inimicus.
